Charlie is . . . innocent until proven guilty

Feb 26, 2012

Charlie has a GREAT poker face.

"Charlieeeee, did you do this?"

Sometimes, he can look normal.
1% of the time.

Within an hour of posting this, we returned home from lunch and Josh said "I have a bad feeling Charlie got into something."
We didn't see anything obvious upon entering, so we just started playing around with him.
A few minutes later, he projectile vomits black junk that reaked of mint chocolate.
After searching the house completely we found this . . .


Alyx said...

Oh my gosh. In'n'Out. I love that place!

Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings said...

Love this!!! He's in total denial. =) Everytime I see Charlie, I want to say "Charlie bit my finger..." in my best British accent. LOL!!

Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

Contemplating Beauty said...

Oh boy! Can I relate, awwww, ............

Amira said...

HAHAHA, I seriously chuckled out loud at my desk. This is hysterical!!!! He completely refuses to look at the evidence he left behind!


Kym+Dustin said...

OH MAN!! That is so hilarious!!!! Have you seen Denver the guilty dog on youtube? IT kind of reminds me of you dog!!!!

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