
Apr 23, 2012

Upon passing my 11th rotation test Friday (one more!) I spent most of the weekend packing up my things in preparation to move home for the summer for the final phase of PA school, my 10 week preceptorship.

An uneventful weekend are sometimes exactly what the doctor PA ordered . . . 

How darn cute is my new coffee cup?

It was sad to be without this little dude for a weekend, but I kindaaaa managed (and it was pretty nice to sleep in without getting clawed in the face)

I finally got to wear my tommy Toms.

We oohd and aaahd over Ellie's incredible senior pictures.

Oh yea, and I purged my bedroom of all things 90's.
(Except the teeball t-shirt, had to keep it)

I left my tennies in Dallas, so I was forced to bring the Birks out of retirement . . . and I kinda love it.
I've missed these fellows.

We also sampled the latest cheese shipment.
(After 4 months, we are kinda on cheese overload)

. . . and I couldn't be more excited about my Kelly Moore bag
I've been wanting one of her camera bags for as long as I can remember, and I finally found the best deal around, I couldn't pass it up! 
I'm in love.

Meanwhile, PA school is getting down to the nitty gritty.
I have a little blog announcement up my sleeve regarding the next few weeks, so be on the lookout!
Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend, I'm off to spend four lovely weeks delivering babies and such, and I'm not toooooo thrilled about it.
Is that bad? 

Tunesday: "Ho Hey" by The Lumineers

Apr 20, 2012

All credit goes to my new found blog friend Michelle who introduced me to this magical band.
I'm terribly addicted.

Today marks the end of our 11th rotation!
I can finally breathe
Can ya belieeeeeeve it?
Hallelujah, thank ya Jesus.
Praise tha Lort.
Four more weeks of studying non-stop then the PA school tests will finally be done!
Until the Boards roll around in August . . . mehhh

The Butcher

Apr 19, 2012

I often refer to Josh & my brother (and their friends) as THE funniest people I know, and this little story takes the cake for funniest moments as of lately . . . 

Backstory: Bart (Josh's best friend, I don't claim him, wink wink) was shackin up in Dallas with Josh for a month before he headed to Denver for a training program. 
These two boys are rather mischievous, and that's putting it lightly.
Case in point: They found a freshly killed squirrel on the side of the road, tied it up to fishing line, put it in a tree, tugged it down, and then let Charlie chase it around the apartment complex for a good 20 minutes. 
Imagine: two dudes running around with a dead squirrel on a string.

Back to the funny story . . . 
Before Bart left for Colorado, we enjoyed one last night out in Dallas. 
At the bar, Josh and I were approached by two girls that recognized the guys. 
Josh introduced one of the girls to me as his leasing agent from his apartment. 
Soon therafter Bart walked up and throws his arms up in the air and screams "Da Butchaaaaa".
We all looked at each other in confusion, including the butcher.
Side note: How pissed/confused would you be if you were approached by a random dude calling you The Butcher?
Apparently, Josh and Bart ran into them previously at the gym, and on a whim (an incredibly witty whim) Josh informed Bart that this girl was his butcher from Kroger.
Two weeks later, Bart truly believed he was meeting a mid twenties cute butcher from Kroger, and nearly convinced her she was a butcher.
She never questioned it once.
. . . and they lived happily ever after.
Just kidding, they never spoke again, thank God.

I always feel the need to include a picture, and upon googling "The Butcher" I found this: 

Oh and this was on my phone from our college days working at the best restaurant in town:

No worries, just a dull knife and ketchup.

Happy Thursday!

Guess what?

Apr 18, 2012

I'm guest posting over here today!
So click on over and check out my top 5 favorite projects! 

Weekend Smeekend

Apr 17, 2012

Spending the weekend visiting Josh in Dallas always feels like a little vacation to me.
. . . anything 30+ minutes from Shreveport feels like a vacation to me.
We had all the best intentions of going to the Big Texas Beer Fest, but um, it didn't happen. 
Instead, we had our own little fest . . . 

Friday night dinner: Twisted Root Burger Co!
I incorporated goat cheese into my meal for the 5th time last week, true story.

Look at all the meats!
Decisions, decisions.

This night will forever hold a place in my heart.
I tried, and fell in love, with pickles.
Bread and butter pickles to be exact.
I've already googled the process of canning and pickling.
Bring it on cucumbers, you are all mine.

(P.S. Tegan! I did it! Chambray!)

Then we gave Charles a little swim lesson.

Plano's Earth Day Learn 2 Live Green Festival
 (Why so many words, festival? Be easier to say, it's way cooler that way)

My favorite exhibit . . .

The day was filled with a little bit of biking (that was the green part) and a little bit of shopping (money is also green, so I guess that counts too).
We concluded the festival being SUPER green by buying this hardback book which was on sale for $10 at Urban.
It wasn't on sale on my Kindle, and the tree was already dead before I bought it, ok?

Mediterranean food at Mama Pita.
I tried baklava . . . and then Ellie shot down all my feelings of coolness.

What do you do when you can't choose where to have dinner?
(and you don't trust Josh with that frying pan)

So you Appetizer hop!

(Note: We did not spend 99% of the weekend eating, like these pictures lead you to believe. I actually studied in between stuffing our faces, but no one wants to see pictures of that, right?)

For starters, you go back to Twisted Root and get more pickles aaaaand make Josh take a shot of bacon bourbon.

Next stop, Cafe Istanbul for hummus and Josh's favorite beer from Turkey. 


My imaginary caption to this photo:
Waiter: "Sir, you have Diabetes"

We were supposed to spend the weekend lounging around heeeeere . . . 
but then some tornados and stuff come through and kinda shot that idea to the wolves.

 Oh yea, and here's this little piece of awesomeness:

My monster test (the fourth and final primary care rotation test) is this Friday, so please excuse the blog suckage while I become a PA school zombie for the next few days.
Don't hate me.

I have a really really realllyyyyy funny story to share with y'all, so bear with me.
It's coming!

Rainy Sunday Requirements

Apr 15, 2012

Catching up on Coachella and watching my favorite ESPN E:60 clip yet is nothing short of magical on this rainy Sunday in Dallas.

Friday ketchup

Apr 13, 2012

After a longgggg 4 day workweek at the LSU family practice clinic I am absolutely drained and I couldn't be more excited that it is finally Friday.
I'm heading to Dallas to spend the weekend with Josh and monster Charles.
The Big Texas Beer Fest is this weekend! 
Brewers from all over the country will be there and we can't wait to sample some of their special brews!
Fun fact: Did you know beer has been proven to make men smarter?
True story. Find out more here.

Speaking of the love affair with all things Texas . . . 
Josh met Ron Paul this week.
All his dreams have officially come true.
He also went to two different concerts this week (Bowerbirds and Real Estate) all while I was stuck in concertless Shreveport. 
Did I mention he hung out with the Bowerbirds after the show and they asked him to come hang out before their show at Lollapalooza?
His luck blows my mind.

Last but not least . . .
I was given the Liebster blog award by Allyssa at Breakfast at the Zemkes!
I've been a big fan of her blog for a while (I kinda have a thing for bloggers who love beardy men) and I can't wait for baby Zemke to come into the world! 
She was so kind to pass on the award to little 'ol me, I'm so honored! 

The rules of the award:
1. Choose five up and coming blogs to give the Liebster award to. Blogs must have less than 200 followers.

2. Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.

3. Post the award on your blog.

4. List the bloggers you gave the award to with links to their sites. Leave a comment on their blogs to let them know they've received the award.
5. Share five random facts about yourself!

5 random facts about me:
1) I don't have a Pinterest account. It stresses me out.
2) I eat cheese every day. Babybel with my lunch and some form of cheese with my dinner.
3) Remember that time I said I was gonna stop biting my nails? I didn't . . . and I feel like a failure. 
4) Sometimes I miss Ashlee Simpson's reality show. Please judge me.
5) I learned a very very very valuable lesson about patience and God's timing this week and I am bursting at the seams to tell everyone! . . . but I must be patient, ironically.

Bloggers I am passing on the award to:
Um, a Georgia girl who loves cupcakes, good beer, and traveling (with great taste in music!) married to a bearded plaid wearing woodsman.
The only thing I hate about her is the fact that she lives so close to Sweetwater Brewery and I don't.

Maddie lives in Denver with her bearded plaid wearing hubby who also has fantastic taste in music (are y'all sensing a theme here?) 

Amy is a sweet little Aussie with some super sweet glasses and hair-doos.
. . . and her Instagram is kinda my favorite.

Michelle Michelle @ On the Adventure
A Texas girl who loves travels, awesome tunes, rock climbing, and mac & cheese as much as me? 
She also has a pretty cool man friend and a pretty cooler dogfriend.
We are pretty separated at birth.
Her "5 Things I'd Rather Be Doing" posts complete me.

Tegan @ EnLove With Life

Tegan keeps me up to date on the latest and the greatest in the fashion world (cause I'm terribly slacking in that department)
I love her style so much!
Maybe one day (when the scrub wearing days are behind me) I'll be able to dress as fantastic as she does!

Thanks again Allyssa for nominating me!
Now ya'll go check out these 5 blogs and send them all some lovin.
Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend 

Charlie's Evil Tactics

Apr 12, 2012

Charlie is not crate trained.
He is sleep in the bed trained.
I guess this says a lot about our future parenting skills.
Anyways, he has these little evil tactics of waking you up in the morning whenever he feels it is appropriate, regardless of the hour.
. . . much like a child, right? 

Waking up to this precious little face used to be enjoyable, back when he was cuddly and sweet.

Now that he's all teenager and sassy, he likes to implement many of the following techniques to piss you off enough to wake up:

1) Paw to the dome
Which is exactly what it sounds like, a slap to the head or a straight up "heisman on dat hoe" 

2) Nuzzle fake out into trachea compression
He ever so sweetly slithers his way onto your neck and then adds a little force so that you are completely unable to breath.

3) Bulldozer
Nudging you until you wake up or completely flip over . . . he's that strong/persistent.

And Josh just informed me of his latest tactic . . . 

4) Slide under the covers towards the end of the bed with such force that he pulls the covers completely off of the bed, forcing you to succumb to a blanketless bed.
Which equals no sleep whatsoever.

He's a smart one, I tell ya.

Note to self: Crate. Train.

Happy {Belated} Sibling Day!

Apr 11, 2012

Ellie and I probably have the coolest brother on planet Earth.

I had no idea of this little holiday, but in the true spirit of not leaving a single holiday behind, be sure to let your siblings know you love them and that you wish them a happy {belated} sibling day!

The three of us have grown to love this little Avett Brothers lyric from their song "Murder in the City" which is oh so appropriate for anyone sharing a last name.
We are incredibly blessed to have been raised by two Christian parents who set the greatest example of love.
The quote truly says it more perfectly that I could ever say it.

Mikey really got us good with this surprise Christmas gift (from Etsy!)
I only shed one tear, I promise.

Last fall, we three Rats (plus Josh) got to enjoy hearing the Avett Brothers sing "Murder In The City" live for the first time all together. 

I was so tempted to overload this post with 39842903849038 pics of us three, but I'll just settle for one of my favorite pictures of us.
Mikey is so good with the whole weird thing.

Happy Sibling Day Mikey and Ellie, I love y'all to the moon and back!

Hoppy Easter!

Apr 10, 2012

I hope everyone had a fantastic little weekend.
I kinda took a little blog vacation, and I'm not gonna lie, it was rather nice. 
. . . but no worries, I'm back full force starting riiiiiiiiiight about now.

Easter weekend.
I had Friday and Monday off (four day weekend/spring break) and even though we weren't able to travel like we initially hoped, I still had one of the greatest weekends ever.
Staying in town spending lots of quality time with family and friends was much needed and it turned out to be the perfect way to spend the weekend (much better than any road trip, right?)

Highlights of the weekend, via Instagram (and my new favorite app Photo Collage!) of course

Friday morning I got to take my cousin's bridal pictures, and I can't wait until after her wedding in May to share them! 
We had so much fun, and she was the most beautiful bride around!

We also took Mikey suit shopping for his last Sigma Nu formal.
He had to have a linen suit.
So frat.

. . . and I kinda love his fratastic shoes.

 Charles and Josh came to visit!
P.S. Does the fact that Charlie threw up in the toilet make him 1/2 human or 3/4?

We also got to perfect the art of slacklining!

The two college professionals, Josh and Mikey, taught the future college girl the only necessary skill of a college student: frisbee throwing.
In the process of taking this picture . . . 

. . . Charlie shoved my nose into my brains

Then we got in on some of the Masters action.
Apparently The Masters also puts dogs to sleep.

Dear Easter Bunny, please please please come visit me next year. 
I'll never be too old to appreciate you.
I promise.

In true Easter fashion, boiled crawfish and shrimp are a requirement.

. . . followed by a nap!

 Easter dinner leftovers=crawfish and provolone cheese po-boy.

 I probably have the greatest brother and sister in America.

Yesterday, we shopped for a little hipster cruiser for Ellie, the future college gal.

. . . and then we stuffed our faces with some popsicles.
(Ellie's was PB&J on the left, yikes)

. . . and then we saw some real live people putting up a real live KONY sign.
I was incredibly entertained.

I couldn't have asked for a better weekend spent with all my favorite people.
Last night was semi depressing (it felt kinda like the last day of summer vacation) but I can't wait to start studying for my monster test next Friday catch up on so many of my favorite blogs!
Hope y'all had a wonderful weekend as well
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