Upon passing my 11th rotation test Friday (one more!) I spent most of the weekend packing up my things in preparation to move home for the summer for the final phase of PA school, my 10 week preceptorship.
An uneventful weekend are sometimes exactly what the doctor PA ordered . . .
How darn cute is my new coffee cup?
It was sad to be without this little dude for a weekend, but I kindaaaa managed (and it was pretty nice to sleep in without getting clawed in the face)
I finally got to wear my tommy Toms.
We oohd and aaahd over Ellie's incredible senior pictures.
Oh yea, and I purged my bedroom of all things 90's.
(Except the teeball t-shirt, had to keep it)
I left my tennies in Dallas, so I was forced to bring the Birks out of retirement . . . and I kinda love it.
I've missed these fellows.
We also sampled the latest cheese shipment.
(After 4 months, we are kinda on cheese overload)
. . . and I couldn't be more excited about my Kelly Moore bag!
I've been wanting one of her camera bags for as long as I can remember, and I finally found the best deal around, I couldn't pass it up!
I'm in love.
Meanwhile, PA school is getting down to the nitty gritty.
I have a little blog announcement up my sleeve regarding the next few weeks, so be on the lookout!
Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend, I'm off to spend four lovely weeks delivering babies and such, and I'm not toooooo thrilled about it.
Is that bad?