Taking a little time out, for marriage and such

Nov 16, 2012

For the next few weeks I'm gonna take a little time off from blogging.
(Not that I haven't taken "time off" here lately, the posts have definitely been slacking, sorry guys, this whole wedding planning/moving to a different state/job hunting thing is nuts)
The time off is necessary though, partially due to this little 10 day honeymoon I've been gushing over lately, but also mainly to enjoy being a wife I suppose.
No worries though, I'll be back soon enough with plenty of dashboard diaries from our latest adventures (and SO many wedding posts I've been dying to share!)


Alex, Speaking Denglish said...


The Adventurer said...


You get to live with that DOG!

You are in ICELAND!

I am just fa-reaaaking out for you.

Bring me back Sigur Ros. Thanks!

Unknown said...


Just bumped into your blog and it's adorable. Thought I'd hit the follow button... so I did.

♥, Sarah
The Life of a Redhead

Nicole said...

great idea. sometimes we all need a break

Mrs. Pancakes said...

So exciting...congrats! Sometimes we need to
Do this!

Kym+Dustin said...

Congrats guys!!! Cant wait to hear all about your adventure!

Growing Gaithers said...

Happy I stumbled on your blog! Beautiful picture and congratulations!

Elizabeth @ Love Is the Adventure said...

Emily, so excited for you, for all the new adventures you're getting to have! Glad you're taking time to enjoy it.

Also, I know I've been absent from blog-visiting but I LOVE your new layout! It's beautiful!

A and B said...

Hope you had a wonderful wedding/ honeymoon! Iceland sounds fantastic! P.S. I just listened to this seattle folk band that I think you will love! St. Paul de Vence. All of the lyrics are based off of their french grandpa's tales!

Elizabeth said...

girl! good job! you have to take a honeymoon break! we cannot wait until you come back!!!

Unknown said...

Congrats!! Being married is wonderful.

I nominated you for a Liebster Award!


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