Happy Birthday Mom & Dad!

Jun 14, 2011

Yesterday was my dad's birthday and tomorrow is my mom's birthday, so what better way to say Happy Birthday than by dedicating a blog post to the both of them...

This picture was blown up for their 25th wedding anniversary party last year.
Sweet 'stache Stanto...

Me, Michael, and Ellie are very blessed to have been raised by our two wonderful 
parents in a loving, happy, Christian home.

 Mom & Dad, you truly have made a huge impact on our lives.
(by the way, I decided to speak on the behalf of the other two since I am the oldest and wisest and all...)

We appreciate everything y'all have done for us (way more than you know
...and probably way more than we show).

Y'all have such a huge, positive influence on us. Thank you for setting such a good example of how a parent should be. Hopefully, it will mold us into great parents one day as well. 

Thanks for putting up with our attitudes, tempers, and just plain obnoxiousness through the years.

We truly couldn't have asked for better parents!
We love you!

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