24 magical minutes with Sean Carey and Justin Vernon

Feb 17, 2012

It doesn't get much better than this, peeps.
Watch it full screen, with the volume maxed out, I dare you.

(True story: while watching this video, my dad asked me if the cat was ok because he thought she was whining/dying. He was serious.)

Speaking of people not having a clue about who this strange band is that won a Grammy for "Best New Artist" even though they aren't new at all . . .
leads me to linking this website


I can't get enough of the entertaining posts (and pictures) of the mysterious Bonny Bear


Anonymous said...

I love this blog.....I look forward to all of your posts, but I especially look forward to the music ones. :-)

his little lady said...

so perfect!!! love this music post!
xo TJ

Emily said...

well thank you! that is too kind! i have plenty more musical posts up my sleeves, josh keeps me updated with the latest and the greatest!

Emily said...

thank ya so much ma'am! love your blog!

Funmilayo said...

they sound good!:)

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