I loathe ketchup.
You needed to know.
. . . but let's ketch up.
We've experienced a few major milestones over the last few months (which you also need to know about)
The most life changing thing of the last few months:
We got a Roomba.
I kid you not.
Life. Changing.
Our nephew turned ONE whole year old.
. . . but let's ketch up.
We've experienced a few major milestones over the last few months (which you also need to know about)
The most life changing thing of the last few months:
We got a Roomba.
I kid you not.
Life. Changing.
Our nephew turned ONE whole year old.
We survived a few more weeknight concerts (and finally saw Boy & Bear and First Aid Kit anddd Shakey Graves live).
I wore much more red lipstick than I ever thought imaginable (thanks to these guys).
We spent lotsssss of time in south Louisiana.
No complaints here.
After seven years of music festival-ing together, Josh, Bart, and I kept the tradition alive and went to Index Fest in Deep Ellum.
For Halloween Josh beat me like a little birthday boy beating his piƱata.
Oh and we met Dan.
(Which was probably the most repeated phrase of 2014)
. . . while in Vegas for the bachelorette party of little monkey in the middle.
I turned 27.
It involved a lot of pie.
I somehow managed to sneak this guy ALL THE WAY to Park City for a surprise anniversary trip before he even realized what state we were in.

After daydreaming about it for months on end, Josh surprised me with tickets to see Once.
It was every bit as magical as I hoped.
. . . andddd last but not least, my best friend got married!
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