A fourth full of family fun

Jul 5, 2012

We spent most of America's birthday by being lazy and stuffing our faces (in true American form)

Strawberry and blackberry water

America's birthday cake (and my favorite cake in America)

Aside from the massive assortment of every meat known to man, we also had grilled fruit with our lunch.
Sprinkled with some homemade herb sugar by my dear aunt who is so very Martha.

Ellie and I attempted to burn off 1/99th of those calories by riding our bikes to Turner's pond for the firework show.

Minden loves America.

Hope y'all had a fantastic fourth as well! 


Patty said...

That is exactly the American way to spend a holiday!! Love the cake, how did you do the icing??

Yay, cheers for bike riding!!

The Adventurer said...

A. You are such an American. A true flip flappin' American. I am sure that the motherland is so proud of you for floating in a pool and downing meat on her birthday. I just know she is - partially because I ate my weight in ribs and she told me so.
B. Minden? I KNOW PEOPLE FROM MINDEN. And by people I mean a person. I love that you are from there. I am dying with love for this.

soychild. said...

I'm loving all of the festive pictures! And those grilled pineapples... Yummy.

Cupcake Crazy Gem said...

Happy belated 4th! How I wish I was in America for it too! Looks like you guys had tons of fun and I'm in love with that patriotic bundt!

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