Texts from "Josh's Aunt Lynn"

Sep 14, 2012

I'm not the type to ignore calls from random phone numbers, I actually kinda like it.
(Especially now, when it could be a prospective employer)
I'm a huge fan of wrongnumbertexts.com so I always have my guard up, but I am usually prepared with a witty response (remember this wrong number text collaborative effort?)
Well this past week, I got stumped.
You can't respond with something sarcastic/rude/vulgar when someone plays the distant family member card. 

I was messaging Josh the whole time, in complete panic mode.

I couldn't respond to "Aunt Lynn's" texts.
I half thought it was fake, half thought it was maybe possssiblllyyyyyyy real.
. . . and then I got this email from lynniecakesandmore@aol.com

(If you can't read the little print, I'll copy and paste it below, along with the photo attachments)

Hey Emily,
I just wanted to send you a few pics of what we did last week! I don't know if you have been there or not but there is a market place in Crossett, AR that you would just love! Aunt Kim just harps all the time about your blog! You are more than welcome to use some of these pictures!! I also have some pictures of some cakes I have done but I don't have any pictures of the wedding cakes I've done. You would think I would but Ive only done 2 weddings!! hahaha Hopefully, we can plan a date where me, you, and your grandmother can sit down and discuss some options. I love ya'll so much and can't wait to see ya'll!!!!
Love bunches,
Aunt Lynn

After I didn't respond to the texts or the email, I got these messages . . . 

Throughout this whole conversation (the two days that it lasted) Josh and I were literally in tears.
The Lion King part is what got me.
Come to find out (not that surprisingly) it was one of our good friends Taylor, who has become pretty skilled at the art of wrong number texts.
I could probably make a whole website dedicated to the conversations he has had with our friends, thinking he was some obnoxious, overbearing complete stranger.
I may just do that.


Empirically Erin said...

OMG I'm laughing so hard over here. My co-workers are going to wonder what's so funny. it's just the Lion King one is so hilarious. What a good prank. It shows so much patience. I love it!!!

The Management said...

hahhahahaha, the lion king part did me in, too. and those cake pictures.... omg.

Alex, Speaking Denglish said...

OMG haha your friend is brilliant!

lori said...

that is hysterical!!

Caitlin said...

That was awesome! Haha, I laughed the entire way through that post!

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