. . . that time we went overboard for a dog's birthday

Aug 23, 2013

Last year I was out of town for Charlie's birthday because of a stupid PA board review course.
I remember thinking "This is really weird that I'm sad about missing a dog's birthday"
Well, after living with Charlie for nearly a year since then, I kinda see him as our child.
Ew, gross, I just said that.
 I'm that girl.

Some embarrassing things we did for Charlie on his birthday:
Josh brought Charlie with him on all of his errands, and he sat very humanlike in the passenger seat.
(Onlyyyyy because our air conditioner went out and Charlie is really rude to repair men)
Josh sang him Happy Birthday yesterday morning, filmed it, and sent it to me at work.
Charlie's awkward eye contact and random yawn halfway through the video was hilarious (to me) but I don't think I'll bore the world with the video.
Who are we and what is wrong with us?

Yesterday afternoon we took him to a dog bakery (why do these exist?!?) and let him pick out some treats bought the cutest, most photogenic treats they had.
At one point, I actually caught myself saying "Charlie would probably rather have peanut butter than strawberry flavored icing, right?"
What the heck, Emily?
Get with it.
We also took him to Petco and literally let him choose his own toy.
. . . because he probably really wanted that one obnoxiously squeaky lion toy way more than every other obnoxiously squeaky toy there.
We let him freak out the big cage of birds.
. . . and everyone else in the store once they heard Charlie's intimidating yelps.
Then we got him an entire box of Greenies
. . . just the most overpriced dog treat of all time.

. . . but the award for the most overboard moment of yesterday goes to:
The fact that I actually made Charlie a cupcake topper.
In my defense, it was a really cute idea I saw on Pinterest that I've been looking for any excuse to try.
Does anyone know a child turning three? 
I'll mail you the topper.
Charlie obviously loved it.


the Florkens said...

This is sooooooo NOT overboard. This is expected.

I once had a bakery literally bake a special "doggie" cake in the shape of a bone for a dog and then invite puppy friends over to eat it. And there were candles. I have the pictures.

You did good. Charlie is a lucky boy!


Catherine Fishback said...

I love this. Maybe it's because my dog's name was Charlie, but I don't think that's weird at all.


Leah said...

I think Charlie is one lucky person, er, dog! ;) Looks like he had an awesome Birthday that he surely did deserve! BTW, I just love your humor! I laughed out loud when I read about the song, awkward eye contact, and random yawn. Ha! Thanks for the laugh! You guys are lucky as well to have such a cool dog! :)

Alli said...

You can never go overboard when it comes to your loved one ;)

CWY said...

Too bad Thatcher just turned 3 in June. I think you can never go overboard for a birthday!

The Adventurer said...

OBSESSED. And happy birthday Chuckles!

Kelsey said...

This post had me laughing! My friend celebrates her dog's birthday every year with a big party and at the end of the night, we cut up a big doggy cake for all the pets! It's awesome :)

Kelsey said...

This post had me laughing! My friend celebrates her dog's birthday every year with a big party and at the end of the night, we cut up a big doggy cake for all the pets! It's awesome :)

Kelsey said...

This post had me laughing! My friend celebrates her dog's birthday every year with a big party and at the end of the night, we cut up a big doggy cake for all the pets! It's awesome :)

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