Friday's Letters

Aug 9, 2013

Dear temporary spell of 80 degree weather,
I miss you.
Thanks for letting me wear my brand new $15 Gap pants. 
Dear Charles,
You win the award for coolest, longest, fruit-by-the-footiest tongue ever.
Dear DoDoCase,
Thanks for making my iPad mini look like an undercover Moleskine.
Dear Mamaw (Josh's grandmother),
I'm fairly certain you are the greatest woman on the face of the earth.
Somehow you knew I've been avoiding buying new work tennis shoes since I started 6 months ago.
Dear Josh,
Don't act like you hated going home to Louisiana last weekend.
Don't you know you were in the land of MTV's Caged and the ice cream man mayor?
Dear mom,
Thanks for blowing off the dust and teaching me how to work this old thing.
Dear Garth,
Howdy Partner.
Circa 1995-my second concert ever
(First was George Strait, duh)
Dear Boys of the Kerrigan Household,
Coming home to this puts the biggest smile on my face. 
Dear anyone who loves free things,
It's not too late to get in on your chances to win a $50 Marriott giftcard! 
Go here to enter!



Ashley said...

That's the sweetest note ever! Now you HAVE to buy those shoes. ;)

Unknown said...

Your dog is so rad! He's beautiful, too. Yay for learning to sew. Have you made something yet?

Leah said...

Thanks for always putting a smile on my face. :)

Rebecca Miriam said...

i love your sandals :)

xx, rebecca

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