Our Christmas tree is still up and I don't feel bad about it one bit.
Charlie refuses to look at it though.
With Disney and work, Christmas seemed like a bit of a blur this year.
I did manage to send out Christmas cards though (phew).
. . . with the caption "Have your selfie a merry little Christmas"
For real.

Both of us were a bit shocked to find out that Christmas Eve wasn't considered a holiday in the surgical world (but the day after Thanksgiving is? weird).
Poor Josh had to work Christmas Eve.
Thankfully, we were able to leave Dallas early enough to arrive in Louisiana just in time to
. . . shave my brother's beard.
I did manage to send out Christmas cards though (phew).
. . . with the caption "Have your selfie a merry little Christmas"
For real.
I tried my hardest to prepare adequately for Christmas.
. . . but sometimes you buy really cute wrapping paper, and there's only enough on the roll to wrap two boxes.
No joke.
. . . and then sometimes the lines are 100 people deep at Michael's that you just kinda give up on wrapping altogether.

No worries though, I survived the Christmas prep thanks to this little bit of heaven:
. . . and the stockings were hung by the whiskey with care.
Both of us were a bit shocked to find out that Christmas Eve wasn't considered a holiday in the surgical world (but the day after Thanksgiving is? weird).
Poor Josh had to work Christmas Eve.
Thankfully, we were able to leave Dallas early enough to arrive in Louisiana just in time to
. . . shave my brother's beard.
Christmas morning was lovely.
Even though mom and dad told us we weren't allowed to buy each other Christmas presents this year, #Disneyprobs, Mikey surprised me with a Diana camera.
He is seriously slowly, but surely turning into the most thoughtful, greatest gift giver ever.
Christmas dinner was our traditional seafood smorgasbord (see some more of our strange Christmas traditions here)
The creative oyster creations are slowly but surely turning into a heated competition.
I was so glad to be able to spend another Christmas with these two goobers.
Josh had to go back home for work, but I stayed in Louisiana for Christmas celebrations with our neighborhood family.
Mom provided some pretty darn good homemade cocktails for the occasion.
Cranberry mojitos with cranberry infused simple syrup.
We also got to spend a relaxing weekend after Christmas with Josh's side of the family.
As if we weren't full enough from Disney food and Christmas food, we somehow still had room for s'mores!
This year I actually filled Charlie's stocking with treats and I feel like such a douche for doing it.
He is not a human.
He is not a human.
He is not a human.
i want to be a part of your christmas food traditions!!! yum
That food, oh my gosh! I guess I shouldn't blog while I hungry huh? You still have all our Christmas stuff up too, including the tree. We went to Disney the first week of December so our decorating didn't begin until the second week. I'm totally fine with it :) My mom filled our dog's stocking with some treats too so you aren't alone!
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