
Mar 20, 2012

As if the news of the Newsies Musical wasn't enough, I just found out that the movie Once is coming to Broadway too!

Hopefully we can squeeze it into our plans for NYC in May . . . so far we have a musical scheduled for every night we are there.

Watch this little preview for it riiiiight here:

On a side note:

I love them.

Happy spring y'all!


Amira said...

I absolutely LOVED the movie Once, I might die of jealousy if you get to see it on Broadway.

Rebecca said...

So exciting that you're headed to NYC in May! Check out the High Line park if you get a chance. It's a neat old railway that goes above the city streets that has been turned into a pedestrian walkway /park. It is one of the only places you can walk in the city without stopping at intersections every little bit :)

Also - I would NOT recommend the New Museum. I went to check it out just because other bloggers had raved about it, and it was NOT worth it. Crazy lines & exhibits that were not that cool.

Have SUCH a great trip, and get a gyro from a street vendor, too!

Jena Roach said...

Oh my word! This is so exciting! Broadway and Once combining? What could be better!?

Mandy said...

I had no idea that it was being turned into a musical. I'm so excited.

jessica said...

I've never heard of the musical or the movie but it looks good! Hope you have fun! :)

Anonymous said...

i've never seen the movie once!! but it sounds like i should! and NYC is going to be suchhh a fun trip! jealous.

Contemplating Beauty said...

Cutie last little note, and picture to go with it!

I have not heard of this Once? Going to check it out! Do I live under a rock?!

Kylee Noelle {the blog} said...

I didn't know that! How exciting!

jas said...

I've got to see it!


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