Friday ketchup

Apr 13, 2012

After a longgggg 4 day workweek at the LSU family practice clinic I am absolutely drained and I couldn't be more excited that it is finally Friday.
I'm heading to Dallas to spend the weekend with Josh and monster Charles.
The Big Texas Beer Fest is this weekend! 
Brewers from all over the country will be there and we can't wait to sample some of their special brews!
Fun fact: Did you know beer has been proven to make men smarter?
True story. Find out more here.

Speaking of the love affair with all things Texas . . . 
Josh met Ron Paul this week.
All his dreams have officially come true.
He also went to two different concerts this week (Bowerbirds and Real Estate) all while I was stuck in concertless Shreveport. 
Did I mention he hung out with the Bowerbirds after the show and they asked him to come hang out before their show at Lollapalooza?
His luck blows my mind.

Last but not least . . .
I was given the Liebster blog award by Allyssa at Breakfast at the Zemkes!
I've been a big fan of her blog for a while (I kinda have a thing for bloggers who love beardy men) and I can't wait for baby Zemke to come into the world! 
She was so kind to pass on the award to little 'ol me, I'm so honored! 

The rules of the award:
1. Choose five up and coming blogs to give the Liebster award to. Blogs must have less than 200 followers.

2. Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.

3. Post the award on your blog.

4. List the bloggers you gave the award to with links to their sites. Leave a comment on their blogs to let them know they've received the award.
5. Share five random facts about yourself!

5 random facts about me:
1) I don't have a Pinterest account. It stresses me out.
2) I eat cheese every day. Babybel with my lunch and some form of cheese with my dinner.
3) Remember that time I said I was gonna stop biting my nails? I didn't . . . and I feel like a failure. 
4) Sometimes I miss Ashlee Simpson's reality show. Please judge me.
5) I learned a very very very valuable lesson about patience and God's timing this week and I am bursting at the seams to tell everyone! . . . but I must be patient, ironically.

Bloggers I am passing on the award to:
Um, a Georgia girl who loves cupcakes, good beer, and traveling (with great taste in music!) married to a bearded plaid wearing woodsman.
The only thing I hate about her is the fact that she lives so close to Sweetwater Brewery and I don't.

Maddie lives in Denver with her bearded plaid wearing hubby who also has fantastic taste in music (are y'all sensing a theme here?) 

Amy is a sweet little Aussie with some super sweet glasses and hair-doos.
. . . and her Instagram is kinda my favorite.

Michelle Michelle @ On the Adventure
A Texas girl who loves travels, awesome tunes, rock climbing, and mac & cheese as much as me? 
She also has a pretty cool man friend and a pretty cooler dogfriend.
We are pretty separated at birth.
Her "5 Things I'd Rather Be Doing" posts complete me.

Tegan @ EnLove With Life

Tegan keeps me up to date on the latest and the greatest in the fashion world (cause I'm terribly slacking in that department)
I love her style so much!
Maybe one day (when the scrub wearing days are behind me) I'll be able to dress as fantastic as she does!

Thanks again Allyssa for nominating me!
Now ya'll go check out these 5 blogs and send them all some lovin.
Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend 


Morgan said...

aw thank you Emily!! I am honored :)

lori said...

i love cheese, too! i definitely eat it every day. and i love that you nominated maddie, i went to college with her! :)

Natalie | Mrs. Janney | said...

I am totally with you about being ready for the weekend!! Have fun in Dallas! Beer Fest sounds like fun. :)

Jenn @ What You Make It said...

Congrats! So excited to check out some of these bloggers. Have fun in Dallas!

Kasey Lynne said...

Mmmm cheese! I love it so much. If only my butt and thighs didn't have such a hateful relationship with it...

I LOVED Ashlee Simpson's show. I was sad when it ended too.

Thanks for sharing these lovely ladies! Can't wait to check em out!

Kym+Dustin said...

How fun! I just found Allyssa's blog a few weeks ago! Her bearded husband lived on the same glacier we lived on in Alaska. And now she was mentioned here! Small world. For serious!

Courtney B said...

Hope you had a GREAT weekend!
And congrats on your award!

Girls Love Fried Pickles said...

Yay! Congrats!

Halley said...

Ahh! I have the same problem. I said I would stop biting my nails but I can't. I don't know why!!

Congrats on the award!

The Adventurer said...

I love this. You. are. the. best.

PS. They have GOAT CHEESE mac n' cheese. Yes. and yes.

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