Friday's Letters

Jul 26, 2013

Dear Madewell,
How do you manage to suck every last dollar out of my already near empty wallet?
. . . but I can't complain because I found some of your clothes at the J. Crew outlet!
 Dear everyone who just witnessed the above photo,
Please stop right now and say a prayer to sweet baby Jesus thanking him that I am not a fashion blogger.

Dear Ellie,
Thanks for coming to work with me this week.
You make me thankful I'm not a student anymore.
Dear Charlie's long lost twin brother,
What the what?!?!
Dear hungry people of America,
The recipe for the best tacos in America (according to Josh) is coming to a computer screen near you.
Next week.
Dear Mrs. Laura,
Thanks for adding to our every growing collection of vintage cameras.
Dear Texas sunshine + Dallas Blonde Beer + Thursday night pool parties,
For everything. 
Dear Josh and Charlie,
Have I mentioned lately that I love you?
Dear Charlie,
It's cool.
We wanted to sleep on the floor anyways.
Happy weekend guys!

1 comment:

A and B said...

I love this post! Madewell seriously eats all of my money! Why is everything so cute! BTW i'm googling where a jcrew outlet is asap!

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