My Best Friend's Wedding {in Grand Cayman}

Aug 7, 2013

In June, my best friend from college (and also my PA school roommate) got married in Grand Cayman.
This was my first time to be a bridesmaid, so I was thrilled to be able participate in her wedding (not to mention, it wasn't entirely miserable relaxing on a gorgeous beach for 4 days).
My mom traveled with me, and we got to celebrate her 50th birthday while we were there!
I'm still not convinced she's actually 50.
There had to be a miscalculation along the way. 
Doesn't Grand Cayman look like a Lisa Frank folder?
After a worrisome cab ride, Mom and I had lunch one day at Michael's Genuine Food & Drink.
It was very American and very, very good.
We had chili lim hominy for an appetizer, oyster mushroom pizza with caramelized onions for our meal, followed by homemade peanut butter "pie in a jar" for dessert.
. . . in mom's words: Phenomenal! 
It rained a bit here and there, but we couldn't complain because it was quite heavenly when the sun was out.
Jenna made such a gorgeous bride! 
The ceremony was so gorgeous, timed perfectly with the sunset! 
Shortly after the ceremony, the cutest little stand up paddle board duo came by (I'm pretty sure I spotted a little naked butt laying down on the board too!)
Congrats to Mr. and Mrs. Williford!
I'm so thankful that I got to be a part of y'alls special day! 
. . . well, weekend really!
We had an absolute blast, and I know y'all will have a lifetime of happiness!


Ashley said...

What a beautiful wedding and location! I went to the Caymans a couple of years ago and it's gorgeous! I want to go back right now :)

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