How bout them Dawgs?

Nov 28, 2011

Tech won the WAC!
(In case your college football conference vocabulary only consists of an S and an E and a C, then I'll help ya out just this one time and tell ya that the WAC stands for the Western Athletic Conference)

. . . and this past weekend Louisiana Tech beat New Mexico State to win the WAC!
Not only did they win, but the 'ol bulldogs also got invited to play at the Poinsettia Bowl.
Not too shabby, Techsters!

It literally rained the entire game, which actually made the 44-0 blowout thaaaaaat much more fun.

Christmas card pic!
Tricked ya.

We really don't know him.

The greatest little sis in the world!

My other great little sis!

We successfully "stormed the field" (if you could even call it that).
Emphasis on the "successfully".
We learned a lot from Michaels failed field storming attempt in Oxford.

Perkins snapped this quick pic of us on ESPN!
Supposedly, Michael/Jesus was allllllllll over ESPN Saturday night.

Be sure to watch the Poinsettia Bowl on ESPN December 21 and cheer on the boys!

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