Josh & I got to spend this past weekend with two of our closest friends, Jennifer & Bart.
The four of us spent the majority of our college years together . . . minus a year or two here and there.
(cough, cough, Bart)
(cough, cough, Bart)
Josh had no clue Bart was coming, so he was pretty stunned to open my car door and find this individual sitting there.
Bart was pretty excited about bringing Josh some of his beer he had been brewing, and told Josh that "his surprise brought him a surprise".
We spent most of the weekend either laughing til we cried or eating.
We are so blessed with these amazing friends, and I was very thankful to be able to enjoy another relaxing weekend (not studying) with some of my favorite people!
Who was on team JB or team JE?
Misleading, huh?
After Jennifer & I spent most of Saturday checking out the new H&M, we made a quick trip to Spranks to try out the new German chocolate cupcake.
Too bad I only got to eat one of those three . . .
. . . thanks to a particular little monster I know.
We also bought the last pack of Dogfish Head's seasonal Punkin Ale in the Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex.
. . . so we were told by the kind liquor store man.
For the record, I'm not a pumpkin fan, but that beer was pretty dang good.
Jennifer & I also got to try out the Skinny Girl drinks too.
. . . I know we're jumpin on that train a little late.
Saturday night we got to enjoy the cooler weather on the porch of The Ginger Man for their Oktoberfest celebration.
71 beers on tap!
While Josh was working Sunday, Jennifer & I took Charlie to play at the nature preserve.
Then we treated ourselves with yogurt.
. . . pink lemonade sorbet with strawberry boba balls and kiwi to be exact.
. . . and then I had to say goodbye to this adorable little face.
(as well as Josh's adorable, beardless, working man face)
i visit and get no blog mention... or superior... emily..
next time ricker. no worries. just a fair 24 hour warning so i can actually be in town, it's pretty hard for me to turn down superior's queso.
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